Unity Schools Partnership

A Partnership, Not a Product

CUSP is a partnership, not a product. We serve over 156,000 pupils across 600 schools in the UK, as well as a growing number of international schools too. The aim of this partnership model is collaboration. In joining the CUSP community, you will be surrounded by passionate educators who are equally as committed as you are to providing exceptional outcomes for pupils. All our evidence is showcased from the classroom and excellent practice – it’s where we make the genuine gains.

“Our curriculum has changed massively since taking on the CUSP curriculum and it has had a huge impact on our children and overall curriculum approach. Our subject leaders can easily explain the approach and the science/theory behind the curriculum, and this is down to the training videos/sessions.”

Rob Dickinson, Assistant Head Teacher, Saint Augustine Webster CVA, Scunthorpe

Why Choose CUSP?

CUSP is guided by evidence-led curriculum structures, such as retrieval, spaced retrieval practice and interleaving. It is underpinned by explicit vocabulary instruction and research-focused pedagogy. Combining these has led to exceptional outcomes for pupils, as a result of coherent curriculum design and instructional teaching. It also gives you, as school leaders, consistency and expectations.

Research and evidence-led practice guides our principles. We support all CUSP partner schools and we have an experienced CUSP implementation team who are able to offer live support around specific CPD on request. We are always happy to put you in contact with other school leaders who have very successfully embedded the full CUSP curriculum.

As every school is different, all planning templates are editable so that they can be tailored to your individual school context and class needs.

Why Become a Partner?

CUSP is unapologetically ambitious – it will not only improve outcomes for pupils, but also teacher subject knowledge.

Becoming a CUSP partner gives you access to our myriad of CPD online resources and training, Ofsted support and guidance, EYFS, SEND and so much more. We are continuously working with our partner schools to provide new and updated resources that help you work smarter and more effectively.

Integral to CUSP is the evidence-led pedagogy that sits behind the architecture of the curriculum design. If you join our partnership, we urge you strongly to spend time with staff going through the essential CPD we have provided online and with handbooks. Each one is designed to support a staff meeting.

CUSP partners also benefit from discounts from our trusted partners, such as Peters and Showbie.

Partnership Cost

The cost of CUSP curriculum is banded depending on the number of pupils on roll in your school. Following the initial curriculum costs, there is an annual partnership fee that ensures all schools receive the very latest information, innovations and new learning modules that are released throughout the year. 

We have worked hard to ensure that the cost of CUSP partnership is realistic and accessible for schools. Repeated evidence shows that CUSP delivers real value for schools, driving improved outcomes for students, and enabling teachers to balance their workloads and elevate their teaching.

“I wanted to say how we are really, really loving the CUSP CPD videos and are gradually implementing CUSP subjects one at a time into our school. In 20 years of teaching, this is the best T&L approach I have ever implemented and cannot stop raving about you to other schools locally!”

Deputy Head, Greatfield Park Primary School, Cheltenham

Interested in Joining CUSP?

For an informal discussion about joining our partnership or to request a quote for your school or trust, with no obligation, please contact the wonderful CUSP operations team at cusp@unitysp.co.uk and we will be very happy to help.

View our Terms of Service

About Unity Schools Partnership Education Limited

Unity Schools Partnership Education Limited (USPE) is a wholly-owned subsidiary trading company of Unity Schools Partnership (USP) and USP has licensed USPE to re-sell the curriculum materials. 

Registered Office: Unity Schools Partnership Offices, Homefield Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 8QP, United Kingdom. Company Registration No: 12709238.