Pupil Book Study: How Well Does Learning Endure?
It became apparent to me throughout my 27+ years in education that the most obvious thing we don’t do was the very thing we should be doing more of – to systematically talk with pupils to find out what they know and can do. The question was how to do that without feeling overwhelmed, underprepared and wasting valuable time asking questions that lack structure and impact.
This is how Pupil Book Study began – with the need for a systematic toolkit that enabled leaders and teachers to focus on evaluating their curriculum, teaching and learning in a precise, evidence-rich environment.
My seven evidence-led spotlights will help you analyse and evaluate curriculum architecture, impact of teaching and long-term retention of taught content.

Pupil book study begins with books closed and at least 4 – 6 weeks after the teaching has taken place. As content is cumulative in a well-designed curriculum, we test the endurance of learning over terms and years.
After the huge success of the original book, it was my great privilege to work with Lauren Meadows. In partnership, Lauren has written the most fabulous publication Pupil Book Study: Reading using the principles and practice from my original book.
Both books build on the fundamental principle that when evidence-led and teacher facing research is practically brought into the classroom through embedded routines, learning happens.
The following information will help you know a little more about Pupil Book Study. All images and quotes belong to Unity Schools Partnership and we are published by John Catt Education.
Pupil Book Study: Avoid Making Assumptions
Pupils are the authors of their learning
Talk with them using our systematic toolkits to find out what they know and can do

Pupil Book Study helps answer these essential questions:

Listen to Clare Sealy introduce Pupil Book Study

Pupil Book Study: A Common Language of Evidence-led Excellence
Professional reviews

Where to Purchase the Books
Pupil Book Study Training
Alex and Lauren run online courses for each of the above publications.
Get a practical insight from the authors and experts in this unique field.
Courses are typically a series of three remote sessions, each lasting 1 hour.